Friday, February 12, 2010

Evolution of the 'Bharitiya Nari (Indian Woman)'

Stumbled across this New York Times article that brought a smile to my face, In India, Women See Boxing as a Way Up . Oh! The journey of the Bharitiya Nari (Indian Woman). The article compelled me to contemplate the long, arduous and obstacle ridden journey of this resilient 'species' of women, albeit in my usual sardonic wry style.
This journey started from the confines of the kitchen, amongst the 'atta and dal', the 'chulha' and the of course the mandatory 'ghoonghat'. When the Bharitiya Nari was not cooking, she was making cow dung cakes, in order to be able to cook.

In between the cooking and cow dung cake making, she also attended to her eight children (two not in the picture). If you are a Bharitiya Nari yourself, you know this isn't all. There are other sundry chores like water fetching and goat milking. But i digress.

Ladies and Gentlemen I bring you to the last picture of this post, Lo and Behold!

Me Like! Me very very PROUD!


  1. Chulha = the oven made out of cow dung that rural indian women use to cook.

    Ghoonghat = the sari veil covering the full face.
